Sunday, October 28, 2007

Politics of Aristotle

Aristotle's Politics states that man is either naturally born to be a ruler or naturally born to be ruled. But what if a man who is naturally born to be ruled grows up in an environment of rulers? What if this man is given the kind of education designed for rulers? What if this man will be educated the qualities of becoming a ruler? Will it be just then to make this man a ruler if this is the case?

In a state where all the citizens are well-educated and professionals (law makers, doctors, engineers), would the state survive if there are no more less professional jobs because everyone has mastered their craft?

As Aristotle stressed, 'all associations are political, inasmuch as they aim at a common good through joint action; the state differs from other associations in that it aims at the highest good, the general advantage of all." Doesn't it that other associations also aim for the highest good for the common benefit of all?

Friday, October 26, 2007

Queries on The Republic

The Republic is a book written by Plato. The book actually talked on philosophy and political theory. I have some questions with regard to the book:

It has been clearly emphasized more than once that "justice is performing one's function in the community for which nature best suited him.” Should the definition of justice be limited to this? Does this explain the whole concept of justice? Now from this definition of justice, can we say tht the laws that we have now are just and fair?

Plato wanted to abolish familial concepts, yet he also believed that children with defects be taken away and reared differently. Also, he mentioned that woman and men are equal though women are always weaker in some aspects. How are these?

It was also mentioned in the book that "minding one's own business and not meddling with other men's concerns is justice." Does this statement mean to say that helping others is a manifestation of injustice? What does “minding one's own business” mean?

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Every Single Vote Matters

Reality is this: some of the youth now who once have ideal minds, who aspire to be servants to the people, are now disillusioned in politics. Hearing from the news and learning from the opinions of others, the politics in the developing countries has been a game of power and influence so that if one has less power and influence over the other, then chances of winning are extremely low.

But of course, this cannot be generalized for there are those who value sincerity and goodwill; there are still those who value the people and give utmost respect to the government they're serving. These people are all we need.

That's why I call that in every election wherever that may be, I hope that people should give dignity and pride to themselves by giving value to their votes and taking their right to vote at its highest caliber. People should be aware that every single vote matters.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Ideally Perverted

Elections is not just about a candidate vying a certain seat in the government nor campaigning for your bets and voting for them. The rule of thumb here is composed of three Gs: gold, goons, and guns, whether we like it or not, yes whether we like it or not. The one who has an edge of these three over the rest have the highest probability of winning the elections. However, this does not mean that he is the most qualified person to fill in the slot. He will win because according to our barometer, he has the highest measurement. Ideally, it is perverted.

People, as responsible citizens, should know their right to vote independently and practice it. They should exercise their right to vote and they should not be threatened, they should not feel threatened to pick a candidate of their choice only because some higher authorities map out things for them, dictating them on what to do, who they should vote for.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Turncoats All The Time

What I exactly don't affirm about traditional politics is its rules of the game. These explicit ABCs in politics have been passed on from generation to generation. The character of these people involved: turncoat. Politicians and those who claim themselves as supporters tend to be swayed to the stronger, more influential people in the arena. Sad, because these people are eating up all their ideals, setting aside their inner conscience, and forgetting their principles just for them to belong. Isn't it ironic when they try to convince electors to support them because they have a better ability to lead the populace over their opponents, as they try to claim it?

I feel upset to those politicians who are turncoats. They fool not just their friends and colleagues in the political arena, not just their “supporters”, but beyond anything else. they fool their own selves.

Why would we support for these pretenders?

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Reality Bites

There are people who treat politics as their source of bread and butter. They see the elections as the perfect time to solicit alms from the candidates – the official-wannabes. For these people who literally beg for money, this is the easiest means to collect funds for this wouldn't involve much of one's sweat, blood and tears. All you have to do is to be forward about what you want. Say it. Say it directly to the candidates. And then, voila! Without a single word of complain, they will provide you everything that you have on the checklist. All of these, in exchange with what the candidates ask for you in return – your vote.

This is very saddening because these candidates failed to give respect to your rights. Much sadder because you failed to give importance to your own rights and have these converted for one's gain.

Sad, tsk tsk. This is reality. And reality bites.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Living In Utopia

There have been tons of books written to merely understand the politics in us. There have been various critics on these books, different perspectives are presented and a handful of questions have been boggling me. For instance, in Plato's The Republic, it has been said that in order for us to understand ourselves and our commonwealth better, we must be wise enough to consult the national divinity, that is, our concept of God. This thinking may be applicable in Plato's time. But I wonder,in present times, would this concept still be applicable for us to consult national divinity when we know for a fact that there is a separation between the church and the state and that even with this law, the church (or vice versa) always opposes the stand of the other?

I understand that some critics say that Plato's The Republic is Utopian, but should we not envision this kind of world? Not that perfect but ideal at the very least.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Justice, Anyone?

In a country wherein majority of the people are living below the poverty line and survival of the fittest is the only fair game. In a country wherein severe graft and corruption are rampant yet the government do nothing about it, nor the people, even the church. In a country wherein the justice system is ambiguous, uncertain, questionable. In a country wherein the people no longer believe that the state can feed them food, give them shelter, provide proper health care, render good education, save their souls and leaving the country is the sole option of the people. In a country where hope has vanished and trust never is a concept.

When do we know that justice is being served? Or will justice still be served? What should be the bases of justice here? Who shall be allowed to seek justice? To whom shall justice be granted?

What is justice, anyway? Or is there still such a word?

Friday, October 12, 2007

Politics Equals Trash

When it comes to politics, people have so many inputs about it. For some, politics may not interest them but for people who are living below the poverty line, it has always been an issue for them. This has always been true for those living in the developing countries like those in Asia and Africa wherein the theory on survival for the fittest is deemed true. In this case, politics has been transformed not for public service but a main source of living, a main source for survival.

This is where dirty politics comes in. In dirty politics, people involve themselves to get money the easy way. Candidates buy votes, promote black propaganda of opponents, exhaust military force and threaten civilians just for these candidates to get what they want. And so because the civilians need money for survival, they tolerate this nasty behavior of the candidates. After all, they get a fair share of money that is being distributed to the masses.

So it will never stop. The trash. Politics.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

It Runs In The Blood

They say it's in the genes. It runs in the blood. So no matter how hard you try to avoid it, it is just so irresistible. It's hard. Especially if your heart speaks the opposite of what your mind dictates. In my case, in politics. I've been so interested in politics even in my younger years. I am so engrossed in it that talking to people and dealing with them is my forte. It is very satisfying for me to know that in my own little ways, I am actually able to extend help to those in need. It may sound idealistic, but I treat this as my passion like everyone has, to begin with.

Now that I am already grown up (I would like to believe that I am), the picture of politics has

become clearer and clearer in me. I understand that politics is a very complicated and sensitive issue and it entails me my strong will and commitment. But I think I am ready.